Brand New Horse!

HEY guys! Guess what?! I got a new horse! His name is Captain Zeke. He is a quarter horse Thoroughbred. I got him Tuesday and he is a 15.2 hand (1 hand is 4 inches) big old gentleman. If your wondering why I had to get a new horse, it’s because DeeDee (the horse that I was using before) reared up and came over on me!

SO I was riding DeeDee in the back of the pasture with my brother on his horse. She was being great! When I asked her to trot she took a minute to get into it but she was otherwise great. Then when I asked her to trot she dead stopped, started swishing her tail, and stomping her feet. I finally got her going and then all the sudden her bolted and I came off the back of her. I was lucky I didn’t get kicked or ran over!

ANY way, my mom put me on a lunge line so she couldn’t get a way from me. So my goal was to get her to trot 2 circles without stopping. She would get around 1 time and then she would dead stop again. And then she started little hopping bucks and all of this she has done before. And then all the sudden she reared up and came over on my leg! Now I have been buck off many, many, many times and had to get back on but a flipping horse, you would need a very advanced rider to handle! Luckily either 1 of us were hurt.

SO any way, my sister is going to take over DeeDee, so I had to get a new horse. His name is Zeke and he is such a gentleman. I have rode him 4 times since I got him a week ago and he is settling in very nice. Since my 1st show is in 17 days away, I started asking a little more today to get him ready and after the first time I asked him to trot he got really lazy. He didn’t dead stop or any thing like DeeDee did but he got reeaallyy slow. It was pretty funny! 🙂



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